Living my dream

By Mima

On the up

We were half way along the road this afternoon when I realised I was walking at normal pace and pain-free. Other than it being slightly uncomfortable when I sit on anything hard, I am now fine. The buttock has made great strides ;-)

At the mid-way point in the walk in a friend’s garden was this gorgeous fuchsia, complete with water droplets from today’s drizzle. I’ve got a cutting from this plant, which is still too small to give me any decent display. But this is a promise of things to come.

Having experienced no ill effects from the walk, once home I made a small start on shifting lovely compost from the pile in the drive to one of the veg beds: the one which will have garlic sown onto it next week. I’ll move a little more tomorrow, and so on until the bed is replenished. Then I will start on the bed which will grow broad beans: also to be sown next week.

It is fabulous to be making progress in the garden again, however cautiously.

The new hens continue to lay a couple of eggs a day: different hens each day. I think that four of them are laying now.

I met an acquaintance today who told me his wife died two weeks ago from cancer. I recognised the shock and numbness in his face. We spoke at length and he needed me to give him no sugarcoating, at the same time as honest empathy. Goodness he has a hard road ahead. I shall support him the best I can, as will his family and closer friends. Life’s really awful sometimes.

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