Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Heelan Coo

I spotted this lovely fella in Kilearnan today, he had 3 pals with him and I was so busy leaning against the gate photographing them that I didn't even notice him - he'd come right up the side of me on the other side of the gate and was standing so close that I heard him breathing before I saw him!
Wee bit of a fright there.

Isn't he gorgeous? We had a bit of a chat then I reached out to give him a pat on the head but he didn't look to keen about that so I thought I'd leave him to enjoy his meal in peace. I reckon they enjoy a bit of company but don't like you taking liberties... ;o)

The exhibition finished today so we popped down to collect whatever hadn't sold. Mum sold 3 of her paintings which is great, but unfortunately mine didn't go :o( Ah well, I'll do better next time, practice and all that!
And I did sell loads of my glass stuff so thats quite good.

I have a few photos from today that I'm going to stick on flicker for anyone whos interested - that is once I set up the account, been trying for half an hour and they wont let me in! Grrr!

*OK I think I've sussed it so lets see if this works, click here if you wish to see what my blips might have been today :o)

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