There and back again

By Mikes

Little flower all on a row

The mist was so thick this morning you couldn't see the hairs on the back of your hand!

At out photo club annual competition last night, one of mine got a "Highly Commended" with which I was very pleased. The lady judge was very good but as she has had the entry's for a couple of weeks she had gone over them with a fine tooth comb. She said that one of the people in another of my prints had a faint red line on her. It took me a while to see it with a magnifying glass! I am not sure if I agree that amount of close up scrutiny is needed, if they had been judged cold on the night it would have been looked at from a few feet and it would not have been seen but there you are I suppose, that's what photo completions are all about.

Capturing the feeling of the moment and the atmosphere does not seem to matter unless it is all in focus and no highlights blown out. Sometimes it takes the pleasure away from taking photographs, that's is why I think I enjoy putting my photographs on show here. for pleasure!!!

Any how, no far flung landscape here today but part of my front garden which has been colonized by these primroses and are spreading further each year. I can never bear to cut them down until they finish flowering so when I cut the grass I just mow around them.

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