Grey Heron

For some unknown reason I did not post this last night? 
The young one was not at the entrance this morning but as I made my way in I discovered why. Someone was feeding the other birds bread and she was hanging around the edge of the water, ignoring the bread though. I have read that the loose crumbs from the bread can attract fish which the heron then nab. As soon as she spotted me she came over. She had her fish then flew over to the nest area. The crow was back and flew over just before I left the park. I had brought some bird feed and gave it that. After lunch the Young one was on top of the dovecot and flew over to the entrance which is very unusual for her in the afternoon. I get quite nervous when she is so close to the entrance but it is actually the safest spot as people have their dogs on leashes before they go on to the main road and anyone coming in still has them on a leash. After she had finished I made my way into the park in case she followed me. I was just a few paces in when she flew over heading to the loch. I was just about at the far exit when the crow landed ahead of me for some more bird food.
I will need to think of another name for the young one I think, as she is now an adult. I do not really believe in giving wild animals names so will need to give it some thought.

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