Back in the day
this was a lovely family owned nursery, but as the garden centres arrived the small privately run nurseries struggled, once the parents retired the younger family members decided to call it a day, so now the site is destined to be another complex of executive style homes. A new garden centre, children's play area & cafe planning application was submitted by a potential buyer but conservation regulations (Horseshoe bat thoroughfare) put paid to that. The executive home plan might go the same way I guess, I think it's only a matter of time before we know as a bulldozer was on site last week.
What a day!
I did an hour or so up the allotment early, watering mainly, then shopped for Mum, & hubby, as I'm off to dog/housesit in Ideford for a week starting today. Down to CK, walk Indie, quick coffee after, back to Chudleigh, pick up my gear, go across to Ideford, unpack, change the parrot food over, check on Jorgie, next lunch for Jorgie, then me, back to CK to collect Mum for her doctor's appointment in Chudleigh.
A new doctor to the practice, could be recently qualified, I was sat in with Mum for her apt. Checking her memory with a questionaire that he first had to find on a website, then print off, all the while looking at his computer screen when talking to Mum, he was'nt particularly clear in explaining what she needed to do, not helpful. And what really annoyed me was the lack of eye contact, plus after each question had been dealt with by Mum he said "Alrighty". Mum scored 21/30 for the cognitive impairment test, not serious at the present time but a referral to the memory clinic at Torbay hospital was suggested, which Mum declined. While the testing was taking place I noticed he was wearing odd socks. This doctor testing Mum. Mmmm! She also has an irregular heartbeat, & very high blood pressure, so next week has an ECG, & bloods apt. booked. The doctors manner was all very laid back, even slouching in his armed swivel chair, not at all professional in my opinion, or is it just me? I certainly would not conduct an interview using his behavior.
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