Bluebells - so hard to capture their beauty

I decided to go to Felley Priory today. They have excellent plants at good prices. The gardens are lovely (and the tea room does wicked cakes.)

I’d forgotten about the Bluebell Woods. One of my friends had told me about them. The man in the nursery said it was about an hour’s climb and it was hard. I was feeling relaxed and decided to just look at the gardens and then head for the tea room.

I had a delicious, but rather large, chocolate and mint cake. I got chatting and I was assured that the woods were only a twenty minute walk (steeply uphill but possible.) 

I felt guilty about my cake so I headed off. 

True. No more than twenty minutes and well worth the climb.

But no photos seem able to capture the stunning nature of huge expanses of these wonderful British blooms. I’ve done my best here. 

A great couple of hours, and I’ve come home with the lilac that I wanted too.

Suki is hiding - again. She needs a bit of peace after all her exploring earlier this morning. 

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