NZ Autumn 2025

By AndrewNZ

Hokitika ride

A perfect day for riding with clear blue skies and not too warm lunch was in Murchison but our regular haunt had a power out so a different venue was used. I good ride though to our overnight stop in Hokitika where we met up with the eighth guy who rode up from Invercargill.
A beach walk for a Blip seemed to the the way to go even though the sun was in the wrong place for any decent sea shots including sky but the concrete boat which is there to honour those lives lost on the sand bar from 1865 to 1982. It seems some 42 vessels were lost although there was no mention of the number of lives lost.

An evening in the pub catching up with friends and even have an ex work colleague walk in who was also on a trip over there.

Happy Days.

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