We Have Arrived

This morning we finally got up early and flew to Honolulu, Hawaii. I am grateful to be here, but the 5 1/2 hour flight started awful; the pain in my thigh and right hip was severe; sitting made it worse. The fasten seat belt sign was on, and I couldn't move around; I couldn't stand up; I wanted to cry! I held it together and stood up to walk in the aisle as soon as possible; of course, I had to sit back down eventually, but I remembered my PT told me that putting a small pillow behind my lower back might help; I tried it, and the rest of the flight was bearable. I was determined to swim and snorkel after we checked into the Hilton Hawaiian  Village on Wiki beach...we swam out to the reef you can see in this photo that ends at the rock jetty. The surf was rough, and the water was a bit murky, so although we saw fish, the visibility was poor. We didn't stay long since the waves were bouncing us back and forth; it was not as relaxing as it usually was for me. I am still hurting tonight, and I am soon popping a Tylenol and trying to get some sleep; I don't think I got any sleep last night. 

As you can see, the beach is crowded, and the water is a beautiful blue; it is warm (80F) but breezy. It is lovely here, and I am grateful for this incredible view from our room.

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