Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Cuckoo Flower

Last night as I was on my way to the station to get the train to London, Gavin phoned to say that we had been given the wrong time for the start of the dinner and it was meant to be 6pm and not 7.30pm as he was told! So instead of going to his office and driving to the dinner with him, I had to get an Uber from the station - as there was no tube station near the restaurant and I was not going to walk any distance in my heels. It turned out fine in the end, quite a few people had the wrong start time to the evening and although I missed the speeches I arrived as they were serving the first course of the dinner. It was a lovely evening and I had good company at my table too.

 It is not quite warming up, is it? It was cool on my walk with Xena today - she missed seeing her doggie pals today as P her dogwalker is on honeymoon at the moment. I took some photos of wild flowers and I love the cuckoo flower so that is my entry today.

After her walk I did some grocery shopping to get food for the bank holiday weekend. It was quite busy as I think many people are at home this weekend.

Tomorrow morning it is an early start to be in Cambridge on time for the start of Adam's graduation proceedings. We will meet at his college, I will take some photos, and then we all process with the graduates from the college to Senate House in the middle of the city where all the graduation ceremonies take place - it's a long walk, and last time I had blisters from my heeled sandals by the end of the walk, so this time I will wear very comfortable shoes like loafers or my posh trainers (the silver ones!) We have a celebratory lunch booked after the ceremony before coming home again. Fiona will be looking after Xena tomorrow, she will come collect her in the morning after we have left and return her later on.

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