By 10am…

…I had 24,000 steps on the FitBit this morning!

Hadn’t completed the April Strava 10km challenge so today was the day.

That one who left the school recently was AWOL (well kinda we did know he was going to a friends and staying over) so the wee fella and I did the biggest big brothers paper run while the biggest big brother did the middle big brothers paper run.

Then MrR & I did the Weim wander while the sun was still shining and the rain hadn’t made it’s way to us…yet.

This is me after my solo 10km this morning. If I had taken the Seòras, the Brèagh would have been awake and MrR would have had to get out of bed to sit with her. I spared him that at 6:30am on a Saturday morning:-)

After breakfast I got the bike out to run some errands in the town…our town roads are pretty brutal when I’m on my no suspension road bike! I do enjoy cycling it though.

Day then took on a gentler pace. Back to a MrR Mocha & Pain au Chocolat. Then I cut MrR’s hair and then MrR & I had a nice wee trip over to Grandma & Grandpa’s this afternoon.

Grateful for a grand wee Saturday.

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