Black Cherry

By ABPhotos

feed me!

oh what I day, beautiful day .. was watching this little fella picking worms from the ground, then posing curiously for me, then flying off to his nest to feed babies. I followed him and found a nest - 2 babies inside! must be newborns :)
will defo go back and check on them in days time ...

on the other hand - had a visit to my doctor, well it's what I suspected, I developed irritable stomach from taking antibiotics and steroids when I was sick in December, and also have reflux! (urghhhhh), so I was prescribed anti-spasm & other tablets to control acidity in my tummy, and need to take them for whole month!
then off I went to see dentist, pay outstanding monies and voile la - have a new porcelain crown fitted :)

still smiling ... :)


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