Broad Beans, I think.

We walked up the track on the south side of the woods this morning. The field at our side has a healthy crop of what I think are broad beans. Maybe someone can verify that or actually identify them. There’s a close-up in extras.
When we drove through Elie we realised it was Scarecrow weekend. When there are scarecrows around the town for children to spot. I’ve added two very tall Fisher Women in Extras.
It was another slow walk today. My burst of energy and pain free weeks that followed my bout of Covid have gone, leaving me feeling tired and achey, and convinced that someone has doubled the force of gravity. I feel like I’m walking through treacle.
Although I have ME/CFS I function at a much higher level than I was able to for many years. But I still have relapses if I overdo things, as I have clearly done for the last month. It’s tough not to get on and do stuff when I have lots of energy. I had a feeling I might push things too far and “crash and burn,” but I was so chuffed to be doing some hard work in the garden that I ignored that wee voice inside that was talking sense to me. Hey Ho! I don’t think I will ever learn to pace myself.

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