Tim's Photo Place

By japanobserver


Yeah! Hooray! Cheers!
My 100th photo in the Blip-o-sphere!

Thanks to all those who have commented so far and inspired and encouraged me to continue to take a shot a day. As we all know. This is not always easy or convenient. It is a discipline that builds upon itself.

For my 100th shot I have one taken with my GR Digital from our upstairs hallway looking to the back and east. I am not sure how many people in blipfoto are from or live in Japan as I do. So perhaps this is culturally enlightening. Maybe that is my role in the community.

Anyway, we live in Sendai, Japan, a city of about 1 million. To get downtown takes about 20-25 minutes depending on traffic. In that sense, having houses so close is not surprising. What you see is futon being aired on this sunny Saturday. Clothes dryers really don't exist in Japan much. Not enough space inside the house. So people must wait for the weather to give them a good day to do the laundry. Weekends are good times to air the futon, too. We actually sleep on a bed, though.

And, no it did not snow! A little humor using Flickr's Picnik effect for snow. Again, cheers friends and thanks. Now on to 100 more!

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