
I think a proper Beltane celebration would have involved a bonfire, and a spot of jumping over it.  This didn’t seem very realistic - neither the fire nor the jumping.  Then I thought - I’ll get all the candles I possess and put them all together on the table and light them. But to be honest, I was feeling really quite downhearted. 
It was rainy, grey and cold here.  The terrible violence and injustice against Ukraine is so hard to hear day after day.  I think maybe I need to listen to the news less, again.  My head is full of worries and problems, rising prices, cruel policies towards asylum seekers, entitled politicians seemingly having impunity whatever they do. It’s the lies and dishonesty, the wriggling out of responsibility that really gets to me. 
The upshot of all this is that I actually didn’t celebrate anything. But I did take one blip - the red is for the bonfire that wasn’t, and the purple is just to be beautiful and hopeful. 

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