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By NessD

Happy to be ourselves

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. And certainly don't replace it unless the replacement is better. I'm still using my Mam's old electric whisk that I learnt to cook with. And I've just rehoused her old sewing machine.

But even I wouldn't go this far. I do like a decent iron. This, thankfully, is a prop for my latest show. It would take me hours to get through the ironing with this thing.

Great rehearsal after a bit of a nothing day. The only problem being I was so busy that I couldn't sneak any photos.

I managed to avoid having anything to do with THAT event by having a hygienist appointment. I'm sure if I tried hard enough I could find an analogy between you know who and having my teeth scraped but I'm trying really hard not to have a political discussion today. So far, so good. I'm not holding our much hope for when K gets home from his trip to London.


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