Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Greylag gosling

After breakfast we decided to go walk in Richmond Park as I wanted to take my long lens and photograph the goslings. However, when we got there we realised our friends would probably also be walking there with their dog (as they live nearby) so we phoned and yes, they were in the park. We agreed to walk towards the Pen Ponds to meet up. So while it was lovely to unexpectedly see our friends, I could not take the photos I had planned as when you are walking and talking to friends you cannot stop to take photos.

We saw many goslings on the water but I did not want to cause everyone to wait while I spent time taking photos. We walked to one of the cafes in the park and enjoyed an excellent cappuccino. On the walk back to the car I saw the Greylag goslings feeding under the tree with their parents, so it was not an ideal situation for a shot, in the shade of the tree and off the water, but I took a few shots all the same, as can be seen here. There were also some Egyptian goslings on the water, as seen in the extra.

Back home we had a small BBQ for lunch - oh I miss the days when the boys were home for Bank holidays and we had our spring BBQ lunches with many salads. Today we had chicken kebabs with a mixed salad, asparagus and baby potatoes. 

Gavin has gone to the driving range, while I edited some photos. And that it is for the Bank Holiday weekend, back to normal tomorrow again!

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