
A lot of cleaning today. The best use of a Bank Holiday, keeping off the roads, out of the village. (We are fortunate enough to be able to have our Bank Holiday tomorrow.) Cleaning the living room is not a job we do often and anyone who has been to our house will know why . . . the piles of books all over the floor that need moving. 

Of course it means that the books get sorted. Whilst some are taken to different places, most remain in piles, but at least they are sorted piles now.

Cleaning means that one notices things that are just taken for granted on a daily basis. Take these guys for example. We have had them for a long time and they stand on the top shelf of the bookcase. They are the work of Geoff Cox who, along with his wife Christine, started the Potfest in Penrith in 1994. And we were there at the first one, as this was the time when we had the static near Greystoke and used to spend a lot of time in the Lakes. We went to every Potfest for many years and at each one we would buy a piece of the Cox's work (some people noticed the blue ceramics, which line the window sill in the conservatory on my shortlist blip). These guys though were very special and it was a while before we splashed out on the one on the left that Gordon really liked. 

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