More jobs..

Poor Jon, at the end of the day, he said 'I really need a weekend relaxing next weekend'. Today he has had another full day doing DIY jobs - today fitting a new floor in Henry's bedroom. With Henry's help.

I took an early trip to the allotment to sort out the chickens. I wasn't happy with the amount of bullying my original hens were still doing to the new hens, so have split them up again.

The rest of my day has been spent doing mums garden - from 12 until 6 with a stop for lunch. Lots of pruning out of dead wood and chipping it. It is starting to look better, but there is a lot to do. It is saturated with ground elder which will be hard to deal with, but I will at least aim to pull up more weeds over the week, if its nice enough after work.

Mollie cooked our favourite lentil curry, and now I've sat down, it is going to be hard to get up again!!

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