
By DramaQueen

Wheely good fun

Today was the final day of the competition at Oulton Park.

I was determined to see as much as I could, though sadly it’s one of the few tracks you can’t actually walk all the way round: unless you walk on the track itself and that’s not really recommended while there are bikes whizzing round at 100mph (plus!).

The weather behaved itself, so it was quite a nice temperature for walking round to all the different vantage points.

I also saw one crash, which was more of a slide really, so no serious harm done thankfully.

For the main race, I got myself positioned right on the start line which was awesome. When all the bikes are revving up to go and you’re so close to the action, it makes your chest wall vibrate!

I’ve been able to shadow Mr A a little more this afternoon, so more behind the scenes stuff with the main presenters, Matt Roberts. James Whitham, Shane Byrne & James Hayden.
Some of the ‘pres’ was done on the roof of one of the hospitality trucks, so I had a birds eye view of the entire complex.

I’ve had a brilliant weekend. Staying in the van has been great and being able to spend time with Mr A is always a lovely bonus.

An early night is on the cards for tonight, before back to work tomorrow.
All with the sound of motorbikes still ringing in my ears :-)

I’ve backblipped the rest of the weekends action

DQ x

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