Testing Testing ....

.... the macro setting on my new phone camera. It's OK but I can't see me using it much. You have to get really close and I'd rather have some control over settings.  This lone buttercup came out OK but I tried to get a more interesting shot of a yellow poppy which had a small bug resident, but I just couldn't get a decent focus over the whole thing.

In other news daughter#2 has morphed into a Bavarian. She now wears a Dirndl and drinks beer out of huge glasses (extra). We also believe she was seen dancing on the benches. Luckily her fiancé explained which side to tie the bow on the Dirndl. On the left it would have meant she was single and available, but she tied it on the right so it meant she was spoken for, married, engaged or in love :-)

I'm getting through my extras so quickly these days. I'm going to spend a bit of time working out how best to use my Flickr account so I can move and post some extras there.

One year ago:
Aligned Cows

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