
Garlic steeped in milk over night and then stewed till soft and strained through muslin is a cure for lung trouble.  The mixture to be taken three times a day

The forecast was spectacularly wrong - instead of mizzle we've had wall to wall sunshine and temperatures in the giddy heights of 17/18C!
General pottering in the morning and a bit of digging. We had lunch down by the pond and the noise of the bees in the apple blossom was deafening! 
Then I had to nip into Skibbereen to collect a card order. Our usual printers have let us down badly and I had to find someone else very quickly. Inspire have done the job very nicely, the only downside being they don't bag the cards so a mini stuffing envelopes and bagging session has just gone on! On the way home I stopped to admire these ramsons/wild garlics which were growing profusely at the side of a very busy road. The smell was pungent and the noise loud for above me was a rookery, the rooks extremely busy doing rook things. I didn't pick any because said rooks tend to poo profusely.

And there's a new blog

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