Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Mixing mortar

About 1/2 a tonne of it!  But with two pairs of hands we laid the base for the summer house and four slabs to the gate.  See our handiwork in the extra, and you may spot Andrew taking my picture.  This morning Dave the Book was here but Mr T was a bit agitated due to two code reds and one mishap so in the afternoon I was filling the mixer, chatting to Mr T, filling the mixer ....  Then I made his dinner and had a nice bath.  He struggled to get himself out of his riser recliner chair this evening as "it wasn't working" which is his brain not translating that he needs to push up with his legs, not push further into the seat.  Anyway I got him up, but than about 1 metre form the chair he started to lose any strength in his legs and I caught him just before he hit the deck.  I managed to get my knees underneath him and as he was close to the bed somehow got him onto the bed.  I did try and get hold of Mum and Dad this morning without any luck.

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