Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Orange flowers

We had a very leisurely start to the day. It felt like a real holiday!

G let me have her room to do the ironing whilst she tackled the fridge. At one point, everything was out of it. I even got a picture! She then proceeded to put everything back so we can find things quickly.

I spent some time in the afternoon clearing and dusting the living room. It is a big deal for me as there are always better things to spend one's time on! The area looks so much better now.

In the evening, we had a friend round for tea and samosas. Reny is the lady who lost her sister last month to a brain haemorrhage. We were going to walk her down Karama souq, but we stayed in our flat just talking about deep stuff!

We dropped her home and did a quick shop in Wafi before settling in for what was left of the evening. It's been a lovely, relaxed Tuesday.

My blip is of the flame tree opposite G's bedroom window. It's coming along nicely.

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