Busy, busy, busy, today

Went for my 'first thing in the morning walk' in 'Braidburn Valley Park' between 7.30-8.30am. Before lockdown I'd stopped going there that early because everyone going to work, whizzed through the park on their bikes at top speed and I wasn't allowed off my lead for 'run about time' in case I got knocked over. It would seem that now all the restrictions in Scotland have been lifted; the mad inconsiderate cyclists are back again?!!.................... We don't even know if the route through the park is a proper cycle path?

What we do know is........................ there's all these 'ads' on the radio telling us that the 'Highway Code' has changed and now cars have to leave a 1.5m space when passing a cyclist on the road. That's probably a sensible rule, but there doesn't seem to be any rule that says how much space a cyclist should leave when passing a pedestrian on a shared pathway?? Can anyone enlighten us?

It was a nightmare this morning. I was off lead (as I have been in the park for the last two years) and fortunately I was playing on the grass but at least four cyclists whizzed past Ann really close. No bells, no warning shouts, nothing?! And one was so close it actually clipped Ann's arm. No damage was done but if she was a couple of inches further over on the path, she could have been really hurt. Why, why, why, aren't bells mandatory on bikes? They cost less than £5? We've googled it. The whizzy cyclists have probably paid thousands for their bike!!!

Rant Over............... But it looks like we're back to 2019 and I won't be going there for my first thing in the morning walk.................

Early afternoon, my human wanted to go shopping for plants to turn our balcony into an oasis of peace and tranquillity. We'd bought a few plants at B&Q yesterday but she really wanted some Cornish Spikey Plants. We eventually found some at the 'Range', after I'd had to wait while she went into B&M and TKMax what's those shops got to do with plants? Hopefully it will be warm enough to plant them tomorrow.

Went for a play on Musselburgh Beach (in this Blip). It was fab. Found loads of sticks but unfortunately no manky old balls.

At 5pm I had an appointment at the vets for my annual check up. I LOVE going to the vets. As soon as I got there the receptionist gave me treats. Yum. And then a nurse appeared and she gave me treats. Yum. And then the vet gave me treats. Yum. (obv they asked Ann if I was allowed treats) …...............And then I got weighed. Lol! I'm 14.6k. And do you know what?........................ For the first time in 2 years, Ann was actually allowed to go into the consulting room with me. She was asked to put a mask on, but that was OK because the rooms are very small and she'd rather be with me than have to wait outside (which is what she's had to do for the last two years).

However, Ann has a bit of a problem that she could probably do with a bit of advice with..................... The vet that we saw today, said that she would recommend me having the 'kennel cough' vaccination. Ann thought that was just for doggies who were going into kennels but apparently not. Apparently all doggies can pick up 'kennel cough' if they have 'nose to nose' contact with other doggies. Obviously as I am super friendly, I have a lot of contact with other doggies. However, she did then go on to say that most dogs that get it, just recover by themselves without any treatment so what's the point?

Ann said that she'd think about it over the next few days and if she thinks I should have it, she'll make an appointment for me next week. Have any of you knowledgeable Blippers got any thoughts on this. She owned MollyCollie for 14 years and she never had it????!!!

OK, so this is the longest BLIP that we've posted for ages but as my human uses BLIP as a diary of her life; we've had a lot to report today.

At 6pm I got left 'home alone' while my human popped over the road to our local pub for an hour and shared a bottle of wine with a friend that she hasn't seen since March.

And it's now 9pm.................... Don't you just love these lighter nights???

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