Artwork and wonderful poem

The 5th/6th grade room seems to have some amazing poets. There is a variety of work on the wall. Three of them are fashioned after Wallace Stevens poem 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird.
I loved all of them but this one goes with the art work. The two others are in the extras.

                            7 Ways of Looking at a Sunflower
                                              By Birdie Coit
A yellow sunflower stretches tall and proud reaching to the
                                             afternoon sun.

Like a lion's mane in looks and color but kind and graceful in

A sunflower is like a solar panel facing the sun for energy in my
                                   yard. Gaining power and beauty.

As I gaze up at the sunflower I realize that Life is only ahead of us.
    If we spend too much time dwelling on the past, we cannot see
                                        where we are going.

In the pink glow of a sunset a sunflower's petals become a light
                              orange, as they bend their heads to sleep.

I remember a time when I was seven, me and my dad planted two        sunflowers in the front yard and watered them and took care of
                                             them all summer.

I watch as a butterfly lands on the sunflower pollinating it to help
more flowers grow and have the experience of blooming next

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