Rain Stops Play

Apparently there was rain forecast for this morning but not as early as it actually arrived. Of course we were at the furthest end of the course when that happened and I got a bit damper than Dave as we played our way back to the clubhouse since I carry my clubs and rarely pack a brolly; too heavy. I lost again too, usual problems around and on the greens. Sigh.
Up to the allotment later as I had loads of Pak Choi seedlings to plant out before they got too leggy. Those I planted a few weeks ago have taken well so I removed their bottle cloches and reused them for the new guys (extra). Did the same with the onion seedlings but I have my doubts that they’ll come to anything resembling onions. Still you never know, they might surprise me.
Good news from JacktheLad this evening, he’s a happy bunny!

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