Lilliputian Garden

Another day of appointments and "to-ing and fro-ing". The canine dropped off for a wash and tidy up and Mother also dropped off for a wash and tidy up!! whilst I went off and sorted some financial matters, bought some groceries and then went in search of a wee black box that will enable us to watch TV without snow from the 28th when we are switching over to digital.
I had no problems getting what is required and was about to leave the customer carpark when I noticed the wall in front of the car was growing miniature gardens of moss and fungi etc. Of course I had to take a few images and when I returned to the present I found a car parked beside ours. It was so close I could not open the drivers side door to get in!!! I will not repeat the gush of thought that emanated but suffice to say that sort of unaware, arrogant, careless driver needs to be dealt to.
Thirty minutes later a kind young man clambered over from the passenger side and drove my car out so I could resume control. Some of you may wonder why it was not I that did the clambering - that is for me to know and you to ponder! :-))

A well deserved coffee calmed my foul mood and after picking up a coiffured Mother and a clean happy wee canine it was home sweet home for a lie down and a bit of Blipping.

That was the day that was.

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