Autumn in the vines

Tiny Tussock reporting
The Boss departed early again as he needed to pick up the afore mentioned blind now repaired. This image is from "The Wooing Tree" vineyard which was established some years ago in an area that had a famous tree, which was the only mature tree in the area and was therefore used as described above..i.e. Wooing. Little stuffed dogs do not have a lot of info on this so I really can't enlighten you further. The vineyard is adjacent to Cromwell and opposite the famous "fruit" sign featuring larger than life examples of the local product in a composition that some locals consider unfortunate but again little dogs like me can not elaborate on that either.
The Boss went to a couple of the Festival of Colour presentations today and enjoyed them both from Lloyd Geering a very famous New Zealander and Seymour Hersh a renowned journalist. All thought provoking stuff

Get closer BUT don't climb the fence.

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