The Rabbit Hole Cafe
Back in Auckland after two days in Wellington, I went on a run calculated to take me past this new cafe in Jervois Road. Across a street from the Bayfield Primary School, this cafe is in the building where when my children attended the school, there was a "corner dairy". That, however, was long gone.
One incarnation after the dairy closed was a knick knack shop, with odd bits of whatever, clothes included.
Although I frequently run along the other side of Jervois Road, I rarely looked at this building, and needed to be told by daughter J (last night) that it was now housing a cafe. It was clearly necessary as the nearest place to buy a drink is all of 500 m from here back towards Three Lamps. There, in a small area, are a pub and many restaurants, bars and cafes. There was clearly a need for another source of coffee for west moving persons, before the caffeine levels fall too far.
I fully understand that need to maintain the levels. Today I managed only four mugs of coffee. And a couple of those had to be reheated once or twice. Bravo, the microwave.
Another in the cafe series
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