Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

More leaves are opening on the Fatsia plant.

The Feast Day of Blessed Edmund Rice. An Irish saint.
Thankful for a lovely warmer sunny Thursday. It is 4:10pm now and 15c on the laptop.
I went out walking this morning as far as Cut Wood with my camera, and so far have 7233 steps on my Fitbud. There are bluebells appearing in the woodland there.
The lilac trees are at their best in several gardens and the church garden. I must admit to not being happy with my attempts to photograph the lilac. It is a divinely lovely fragrant flower and I need to find a way to capture the conical groups of flowers and the delicate flowers within each cone shape. I have decided to post for my blip today these delightful Fatsia leaves, as they are recently a wonderful new addition to the Church Spring garden. I dead headed some of the hydrangea shrub this morning to give space for the new green leaves.
Our boiler is due to be fixed tomorrow morning. It started to drip. It is helpful to Google the reasons, but unless you are a qualified boiler technician, it is not possible to fix it.
Thanks for dropping by and have a good evening blip friends.

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