Sharks, cows and beautiful plants

Grey and wet-threatening today, with low cloud and misty views. We went down to Rockfield this morning to cast our votes for the local council elections. It's not easy - I read all the candidate statements and hoped to find someone whose main concern is for the environment, but tho' some candidates mention the topic, nothing really stands out. It's a choice of more houses, better rubbish collection, cheaper fish and chips (OK, I made that one up!) and everything else but. But we tried.

I'd arranged to visit my friend at his small nursery and garden near Taynuilt, but being a bit early I drove down to the end of the road to have a look out over Loch Etive. I was astonished to see a shark there (!), so it's my extra today. 

We had a pleasant few hours talking plants, digging up plants and swapping plants. OK, I took one and came back with five, but he'll have more of mine when the time is right!

While we were walking around the nursery the old bell on the gate rang Thinking it was a customer looking for him he went over, to find that it wasn't a customer, but a calf from the herd in the field outside! I crept round the back and walked back up the entrance path and managed to catch the little fella about to ring it again! He must enjoy the sound!

Quote of the Day: ". . . never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." - John Donne.

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