And more…..

Blood taken, it took the ‘big boss’ to find a vein that delivered enough! Then a two hour wait for results, followed by seeing the doctor to discuss them. Whilst waiting Mr L received a call from the lung consultant to tell him the cavity full of ‘bug’ was growing!  We were in the hospital to see the stomach surgeon. Mr L was explained that and the lung man gave his mobile number so we could call him when the surgeon arrived, so that they could discuss. Seven hours later……
The lung thing is growing, the ulcer is not shrinking and the infection levels are not diminishing. So, a cessation of one antibiotic, a doubling up of another and stronger anti emetics prescribed. We are to return to see the stomach consultant in two weeks, on the day she is at that hospital, which turned out to be the very day we have invitations to the Queens Garden Party at the Palace. It was always going to be touch and go with his health, but I am very disappointed. 

The only bit of good news today is that my friend Nic messaged and is going to pop in next week. 

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