Ghoulish or what?
Started off rainy this morning, but it soon brightened up. I drove over to look at St Michael's Church at Maxstoke after Countryfiles had recommended it - only to find it was locked! Left with the possibility of returning home without a blip I decided to take a wander around the churchyard instead. It's amazing what you can find out about people by reading tombstones. I came across a row of graves all marked with the surname 'Lewis', so I assume they were all related. The tombstone on the left depicts the usual information but also has some ears of corn engraved on the top left - reading on it noted that William Lewis was 'a farmer of this parish'. I'm not sure what the seagull is there for. Further along the row I came to Reginald Lewis - with ears of corn on both top corners and a picture of a spitfire. At the bottom it read 'Proud to have made spitfires'. I assumed Reg was the one who had made them, but rereading it I realised it wasn't him, as farming was a reserved occupation during the war, but his wife Evelyn who had worked at the nearby Castle Bromwich factory during the war helping to build the aeroplanes. It was obviously something she did with pride to help the war effort!
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