Every picture is a story

By ForestFawns


What have you bought me now?

Well after nearly strangling my gorgeous JR last week. Unintentionally of course. . It was after a over friendly dog would not her alone, despite telling the owner she doesn't like it and gets a little angry. I had her dangling from her lead to prevent injury of not only their dog but also my self from a defensive bite. I decided a harness was needed which she had as a pup but didn't like her new big girl one as she grew.

Yes I know it is Blue and not pink, but what she does on a walk is hardly lady like haha! Plus that's the only colour they had in the shop her size.

Since putting it on her she had adopted this pose and can't even muster the excitement when given a treat.

Oh well safety comes before beauty, but I will hunt for a nice pink one for you.

Let's see how the walk goes but looking at her it would appear that would not even be enough to move her.

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