By lizzie_birkett


The poem says it all!


I caught the bus into town today
it was a last minute decision
I bought some fabric for curtains
but can I make them with precision?

‘I really, really don’t like this job -
I won’t do it again!’ I swore
but to get them made up in the shop
would have cost a hundred quid more!

So I’ll have to grit my teeth
and hope there are no calamities
cut them out and sew the seams
with minimum profanities!


In other news, it was the last time for the little ukulele woman! I’m free!
She was meant to go to Leeds last week to buy a ukulele so I was expecting her to come with her own but she said she hadn’t had time as had two loads of ironing to do!  She lives on her own and told me she has plenty of money. Anyway, she had at least remembered some of what I had taught her, but I made it clear that I couldn’t do it anymore. A neighbour goes for uke lessons so I told her I’d find out who his teacher is and let her know. She is quite a nice little lady, has never been married, has a busy social life and was telling me about 2 male neighbours that she fancies and got quite giggly about it. 

I’ve been looking for curtain fabric for months but I am so indecisive. Today I went to The Fent Shop in Skipton, determined to choose some and it didn’t take me long. I wanted something bright. Now I just have to make the bloomin’ things!  :-0 I have already cut them out so here’s hoping.
I meant to Blip all the rolls of fabric in the shop but forgot!

Telly and knitting time now. 
Thanks for all the comments, stars and hearts.
Goodnight :-) X

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