2 in 1

… because I missed yesterday and it needs recording.

D was up at 4.30 and left the house at 5.20am. He got home at 11.40pm. Par for the course for election duties.

He’d had a visitor during the day. Obviously an official. He didn’t recognise her but she showed an interest in talking to David about his role and so he showed her some records he’d kept over the last (many) years. Later another official came back to the Polling station, a familiar face and one who checks all is going as it should be. She asked D if he’d had any other visitors. He then learnt it was the CEO of the Borough who had visited, specifically to meet him.

When D returned the ballot box, he was greeted with cheers and claps from a waiting crowd, in recognition of his 56 years of acting as Presiding Officer.

It’s been a time for emotion for him and I am so proud and pleased his service has been recognised.

My extra, I’ve had a lovely day, Friday 6th, with some of my friends from teaching days.
My photo.. tulips on the hall unit.

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