The Girls

I had a lovely and varied morning. Sorting clothes for a friend on the street that has work opportunities but not the wardrobe to match...a walk/coffee/pray with Susanna...bumping into another couple from the street that I've not seen in ages...and finally viewing the new centre again, but this time with Stephen, Susanna and Mitch. Mitch (who is very experienced in building work) thinks everything is very doable and the important things all work - it's just cosmetic stuff. Sooooo after a Skype with Brian re finances, we're going for it!! Woohoo!!!!!! A mirror pic (in extras) to celebrate. Unfortunately we'd not noticed Ollie was between mirrors, so it gives a very odd effect, ha!
We had a celebratory ice cream together and later Susanna took us for a lovely tea. Our waiter was from the Alentejo!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The delight and fear of having a new centre in Ibiza Town.
2) The hilarity at dinner with Susanna.
3) Having extra people around us to help us make this decision about the centre. 

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