
I walked Ada to dancing as Mel was at the hair dressers. She had some jam sandwiches so we sat on the bench outside the library as we were early and she ate them. She had a little blue whistle and kept blowing it sounding like the birds. Walking to the hairdressers she noticed her shadow and said she looked like a potato! She had asked for a cupcake for after dancing so she set herself up in the salon to eat her picnic. She had saved a sandwich as well as the cupcake. She is a delight and you have to smile when you're with her. 
I decided to clean the conservatory roof today both inside and out. It does look better. I have also tried painting the hairline cracks that have appeared. I ended up calling at Lynne's for the polyfilla. I think I've made more of a mess as I'm not very good at these things so that is great for silly Saturday as is Ada's comment about her shadow. 

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