One click at a time

By KeithKnight

Thank you NHS

My Annual Pacemaker check/MOT this morning. I was greeted with a cheery "Good morning Mr Knight" from the senior physiologist before I had even checked in at the desk. As I hadn't seen him for 3 years, having only seen his assistant for the last 2 checks, even with a pile of notes in front of him it was impressive that he was able to recognise me.
The logs were downloaded and they revealed that on 6 occasions since November the pacemaker had detected noise on one of the leads going to the heart and had inhibited any action by the pacemaker. Each incident was very brief, and since the one where she told me the time that it occurred (2 AM) I wasn't even expected to be aware of them, and my heart carried on OK anyway. 
A few extra tests were done to try and recreate the issue, but they were unable to reproduce the issue, so it's back in 3 months time to monitor "the V lead". They were already keeping an eye on the other lead as that was not optimally positioned. The noise can be an indication of a fracture in the lead but without being able to reproduce it nothing is certain.

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