Baby Grapefruit

Have taken several better ones than this of all the blossom and emerging grapefruit, but other photos have always taken precedence, so thought I'd post this before the blossom had totally fallen off. Some of the grapefruit is looking very pale - we've been contributing our own "nitrogen", but have ended up buying some organic fertiliser to see if that helps.

Mike has also made some concentrated garlic and hot pepper spray for the peach and nectarine trees, which have got leaf curl, presumably because of the long, damp Spring - really hope it works, as both trees were growing so well.

- first fresh peas, thanks, Maria of the market! Very meditative, sitting in the sunshine shelling them. And fresh new potatoes from their garden as well
- finishing the outdoor table (not sure it looks that good, but presumably more protected anyway; it's been a lot of work burning, filling, sanding, staining and applying linseed oil
- Mike strimming the path up the Land, so we can walk to church tomorrow without getting our shoes all stuck with seeds that burrow in and hurt 

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