Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Mommy and Me

This is a photo of a snapshot taken by my dad around 1956.  I'm guessing that, because I think I look about 2 or 3.  They moved to California from New York around that time, and it looks like we started enjoying the beach right away.  It's not the most flattering photo of my mom but I still love it!  This one, taken about 14 years later, shows off how beautiful she was. :-)

My mom was such a wonderful, kind and caring woman.  She never had a bad word to say about anyone.  She was always upbeat and optimistic and was always there for me with love and affection.  She passed away on May 8, 1994, which was Mother's Day that year, as it is today.  I still feel her love. xx

I am grateful for my lovely daughter, who always goes out of her way to make Mother's Day special for me.  It's such a bittersweet day for both of us because she also misses her Grandma Jo, but we are grateful that we have each other!

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful moms in Blipland!


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