Tongland Power Station

Today's the day …………………. to generate

I haven't shown you our local Power Station recently - because I haven't walked up that way for a while.  But it was the perfect weather for an evening stroll today and that's where I found myself.  The sluice gates were open and water was in full flow which could only mean one thing - it was in generating mode.

It is part of the Galloway Hydro Scheme - a series of dams and tunnels constructed in the 1930s to harness the power of the Rivers Ken and Dee as they travel from the Galloway Hills to the Solway Firth.  It is still a major provider of power to the National Grid, with each drop of rainfall being used up to six times to generate electricity as it travels down the valley.

It makes such a lot of sense - and it looks good too …………………….

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