
By jess_lovett


I should really have managed a better photo today considering how many good options there were. Got up at 5 to get the ferry. Spent most of the ferry ride recovering from having got up at 5 and avoiding the dangerous looking square sausage. Weather has been great and views very beautiful. In the sunshine it looks like cape cod! It is, obviously, still Scotland though, and while it looks like cape cod, it feels very much like Scotland in May, meaning I have officially not brought warm enough clothes. One moderately unsuccessful windsurf has been had by me so far.

Tiree is very flat and windswept with no trees. Also very remote: people apparently don’t lock their houses, and we saw other people had left their car boots wide open and gone out windsurfing. Being hardened former inhabitants of Birmingham we were shocked by this and far too pessimistic to follow suit. Nice all the same though!

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