Well, Which One Is It?

We set out this morning to walk with Spike down to the local soccer field where we were hoping he would be able to run around without getting full of evil weeds and seeds. The sky looked like the top picture, taken from the bedroom door.

By the time we got to the end of our road, the sky had turned dark, a cold wind had kicked up and it was starting to rain. Since we weren't dressed for rain we turned around and went home beating a downpour by a few minutes. It only lasted a few minutes but by that time we had made ourselves more coffee gotten out the Sunday paper, and settled in. 

A couple of hours later, there was lots of blue sky so we decided we would drive to the soccer field. By the time we put our coats on, put Spike in the back of the car and drove to just about the same spot at the end of the street, the heavens opened and were pouring with rain again. This time we threw up our hands, drove to the pet store and got a chew stick and some dog food. I waited in the car while John ran in, and took the bottom picture of some lovely rhododendrons through the windscreen.

Back home I received calls from my brother and Tim. I passed along Mothers' Day greetings to Rick's mother-in-law who is 102 years and going strong. I passed the greetings via Rick as she is very deaf and can't hear anything on the phone. 

Tim and I chatted about family, his job, and the rock wall he and Joni are building in their garden. I'm sure hauling rocks around is exactly what Joni wanted to do for Mothers' Day. He sent a picture of their dog, Olive and the wall. 

I got a text from Matt on a plane from the Kentucky Derby en route to St Louis where he has a board meeting tomorrow. He sent a picture of Donald Trump at the Derby. I deleted it. The picture, not the text. We're going to Jim and Dana's for dinner and he'll call there.

The wind has been busy all day, blowing the clouds in and blowing them away again.  The sun is shining through the door at the moment and everything is sparkling, but the thunderheads are rising and there is a glimpse of dark clouds chasing them.

I stood at the kitchen door and watched the bird feeders for awhile. I saw a crested titmouse, house finches, goldfinches, Several varieties of woodpecker... mild mannered downeys, fierce and agressive acorns ladderbacks and even a single flicker, a rufous sided towhee...or is it a grosbeak? There are nesting pairs of quail under the olive hedge and, of course Jake, or perhaps Jackie as she appears to have a suitor strutting his stuff beyond the fence.

The beeping equipment is resting on the Sabbath or perhaps just because of the rain and we're grateful for the general silence, except for the sound of the wind howling through the tops of the oak trees.

It's been a very nice, low key Mother's Day. I am a lucky mom indeed to have three great kids and six wonderful grandchildren. Happy Mother's Day to all the hard working moms out there who really deserve recognition every single day.

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