Party time
We set off for Glasgow at lunchtime, with folding chairs and party food. Arthur's 4th birthday is on Monday and he was having a soft play party, followed by a gathering of family and friends in the garden.
We set up the table and food in the garden before they got back from the soft play party. Dennis and Calum blew up some balloons and hung the bunting.
The sun came out and we had a lovely afternoon. The children had a great time playing in the garden and we were able to catch up with Arthur's other grandparents who had come up for the weekend.
We left Glasgow just after 5pm, but didn't get home until 7.30pm. First we stopped off in Kirkliston to feed the cats because Steven and Lisa had been at St John's hospital all day. Then we had to make a detour as there had just been an accident at the bridge on the back road and the police had the road blocked. We dropped Calum home in Leith before finally getting home ourselves.
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