Clark Tales

By cclark

Sooz & Jessica Chloe

Janis finally had her baby, the beautiful Jessica Chloe Cronin - born yesterday around 5pm. At first it was thought she was 6lb 6oz, turns out she is 8lb 10 lol. She was perfectly healthy other than a wee bit jaundice so Mum and baby will be being kept in for a few days so JC can have some spa time on this special mat, her eyes are only covered so they're not effected by the light. We all agreed she looked a tad "Kal-el" esc lol.

No cuddles at our visit due to the need to be on the mat and owing to the fact she was asleep. Was excellent that we got to see her and have a good catch up with Janis. Sooz was particularly keen, this is the first baby one of her close friends has had and she is keen to bond, so her's a very proud Sooz with JC, their first of many I hope. x

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