
By ger798

St Andrews in the Square

The church, inspired by St Martin-in-the-Fields in London,[2] was built between 1739 and 1756 by Master Mason Mungo Naismith, and designed by Allan Dreghorn.[3] While construction of it was started before the nearby St. Andrew's-by-the-Green, it was completed after, making it either the third or fourth oldest church in Glasgow, depending on criterion. The earlier two buildings were Glasgow Cathedral and the Trongate steeple. It was the first Presbyterian church built after the Reformation, and was commissioned by the city's Tobacco Lords as a demonstration of their wealth and power.[2]

The church was enclosed by a later square, built by William Hamilton between 1786 and 1787,[4] which became fashionable homes for some of Glasgow's wealthiest merchants. The migration of the city westwards throughout the 19th century, however, resulted in a gradual slumming of the area and a dwindling congregation. The church was last used for a religious service in June 1993.[3]

St Andrew's has played its part in Scottish history; in December 1745, before the church's completion, the Jacobite army, led by Bonnie Prince Charlie, camped around the site, and within its semi-built walls, on its return from their failed battles in England, and on 23 November 1785, huge crowds of Glaswegians gathered to watch Vincenzo Lunardi take off from the churchyard in a hot air balloon on a flight which took him south-east to Hamilton and Lanark, before eventually landing in Hawick.[2] Agnes MClehose (née Craig) married her husband James McLehose in the church in 1776. Agnes is better known as Clarinda whose love letters to Robert Burns under the name Sylvander inspired him to write 'Ae Fond Kiss' for her.

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