I had to go out to the library this morning, so Mr. HCB kindly told me he would give me a lift in - and as it was raining slightly, he couldn’t get out to mow the grass straightaway, so off we went - he told me that if I needed a lift home, I was to ring him and he would come and fetch me.

I did what I needed to do in the library and the bank, then popped into M & S to get some almond milk for Mr. HCB, so as it was quite heavy and my knees have been a little “creaky” of late, I rang his mobile only for it to go straight to voicemail!  A little annoying, but I wasn’t that bothered, as I had just seen some friends and as it was now sunny and warm, we stopped to chat - there was a seat nearby so we spent a pleasant time together. 

When I eventually got hold of Mr. HCB about half an hour later, he said he would come to collect me immediately, which he did, bless him.  Fortunately, he had just finished cutting the grass, so he was quite happy to come, knowing that was done.

We arranged where to meet and I wandered down to our meeting place, but as my legs were aching, I sat on a low wall outside a house where these beautiful California poppies were blooming.  I took several photographs, and hadn’t been there for very long when a car pulled up and a lady got out wearing a nurse’s uniform.  She walked towards the house, which was one in the middle of a terrace, so I asked if she lived there and she said she did.  I went to get up, but she said I could stay there as long as I wanted to and asked if was there anything I needed.  I explained my husband was coming to collect me, so she said I could stay an hour if I wanted to!  How very kind of her.  I did say that I had taken some photographs of her beautiful poppies;  she agreed that they were lovely and indoors she went.

I was really grateful to be able to sit there and Mr. HCB arrived about 15 minutes later, so it would have been quite a while for me to stand.  Most people are very considerate and I did appreciate her kindness towards me, a stranger.  I might even pop a copy of my Blip through her door and perhaps make a card to thank her to let her know how much I appreciated her kindness and of course, it got me a Blip for Tiny Tuesday - and with the right theme too!

“Remember, there’s no such thing
     as a small act of kindness.
Every act creates a ripple
     with no logical end.”
Scott Adams

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