Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2690. Old stick….

I haven’t used my walking stick in almost 10 years but after my hip giving me so much trouble I gave in and started using it again….
I really must invest in a nice wooden one as these foldable ones aren’t terribly elegant!

I also phoned the GP this morning to see if I could get an appointment with the physio just to get my hip examined….and I’m hoping that it isn’t arthritis but rather more an injury…

I did manage a walk into town this morning as I have missed being able to walk properly over the past few days….the receptionist asked me if I wanted some stronger painkillers too…which I have asked for as I’d rather get moving if I can as I know all too well the impact of lack of movement on arthritic joints….

The weather has been very unpredictable today with heavy showers in between sunshine….it’s raining again as I write…

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