An easy sail through Gatwick airport with virtually no queues and helpful staff. I shared a table in Starbucks with a Canadian couple, the chap walked the Camino Francés with his adult son in 2013 so the time passed quickly in conversation, and I received my first “Buen Camino”. They have both just finished the St Cuthbert’s way.
The flight to Biarritz was quiet, perhaps 60% full. Straightforward bus hop into Bayonne where I will spend the night before travelling to St Jean Pied de Port tomorrow. Bayonne is a beautiful city standing at the confluence of the Nive and Adour rivers, I had time to walk through the old town and visit the Notre Dame de St Marie Cathedral before getting a bite to eat, Jambon de Bayonne, and intend having an early night, plenty of those ahead combined with early starts.
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